Question and Answer Section
To clarify any questions that you might have.
Contact us for more information.

is there a cost to participate?
Yes, this is a paid program, with a free 1 month trial.
We charge participants so that we can pay therapists an above average rate for their services ($150 per support group). This ensures the program is sustainable. However, we have kept prices significantly lower than other program providers.

how long is the program?
This an ongoing program with no end date. Participants can join and leave at any point.
Once we launch, we will be bringing participants in batches to the program. Those participants can keep accessing our services indefinetly until they choose not to.

what kind of support do participants recieve?
Our main support services are support groups and the 1-on-1 mentorship pathway.
Aside from that, we will also be introducing workshops, in-person events and an online community platform.

how are participants grouped?
Once you join, we will send a simple survey that helps us allocate groups based on diverse backgrounds, areas of interest and availability.
This ensures participants are with other Entrepreneurs that they can learn from, feel safe with and reliably see on a routine basis.

do participants need to attend all sessions?
No. There is no explicit need to attend all sessions. However, we highly recommend that you do.
A high attendance rate means you get the most value out of this program and so do the people in your support group. The more engaged our community is, the better we all do.

how do I apply?
Complete the Expression of Interest form.
Once done, we will send next steps and more information about the programs launch and onboarding process.

what is the selection process?
We aim to help founders most at risk of burnout and stress. Other than that, we operate on a first come, first serve, basis.
This ensures a fair process that optimises resources around those who need it most.

can teams apply?
Yes. Individuals from teams can apply OR organisers can apply for the team membership that covers all team members.
Our team membership provides all members with growth membership benefits at a lower cost. We also provide tailored workshops within this service.

what topics are covered in these support groups?
Sessions are focused around work-life balance, stress management and resilience.
This is done by having each member share experiences around the topic of that day and sharing insights gained with others. Facilitators are there to navigate that discussion and add their input where needed. Overall, we stay away from sensitive topics of discussion and keep focused around business related stressors.

Who are the mentors?
Your mentors are our facilitators. Trained Psychologists with Entrepreneurial experience.
Facilitators are there to help you in group and personal settings where possible.

How are 1-on-1 sessions assigned?
On a first-come, first-serve, basis.
Facilitators list their 1-on-1 availabilities on the platform and participants can reach out to utilise their services. Pricing, timing and frequency of 1-on-1 sessions are determined between Psychologist and participant.

Where is the program held?
All support groups and 1-on-1s are online.
However, we will also be hosting live workshops, gatherings and community meets in selected cities. More information coming soon.
Contact us